Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it ar far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the
For this project we designed a fully custom logo with a custom color palette. We also explored Merch designs as well as designed instagram story mockups.
Goody Boy Diner is a Columbus Staple that recently shut it's doors in early 2023. As a fun project we developed a brand identity that brought this diner back to life. We wanted a brand that could stand alone on it's own as something new, while still poking at the 75 years of business this place has achieved. We gave the boy a fresh face and modern appearance. We also continued the unique shape of the original street sign behind him. The typography in the logo brings in a mix of modern with the clean bolded typeface, but is paired with an old fashion script that is applied to the word "Diner"

Staying true to the original business, we kept a similar color palette but updated it a bit to feel more modern day. We darkened the red and blue a bit to give it a more mature, aged up feel. The yellow acts as a pop of color on the boys face.
Overall we were successful in rebranding the Goody Boy Diner, by giving them a modern day facelift of the brand, while still paying homage to it's historic roots.

Goody Boy Diner is a Columbus staple that recently shut it's doors in early 2023. As a fun project we developed a brand identity that brought this diner back to life. We wanted a brand that could stand alone on it's own as something new, while still poking at the 75 years of business this place has achieved. We gave the boy a fresh face and modern appearance. We also continued the unique shape of the original street sign behind him. The typography in the logo brings in a mix of modern with the clean bolded typeface, but is paired with an old fashion script that is applied to the word "Diner"

Staying true to the original business, we kept a similar color palette but updated it a bit to feel more modern day. We darkened the red and blue a bit to give it a more mature, aged up feel. The yellow acts as a pop of color on the boys face.

Overall we were successful in rebranding the Goody Boy Diner, by giving them a modern day facelift of the brand, while still paying homage to it's historic roots.

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